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Are tickets refundable?


No, tickets are not refundable. They are possibly transferable- but you must notify us and you are responsible for finding a buyer that meets our participation requirements, they must complete a registration form and participation waiver immediately and return it with our approval a minimum of 7 days prior to event. So if you find yourself needing to sell your ticket- please keep us advised. In the unlikely situation that we decide the retreat, or your involvement in it, must be canceled,  ticket price (minus PayPal fees) will be returned to you.


What should I bring?

Clothing, personal hygiene items, sunscreen, whatever you normally like to travel with. A flashlight/headlamp is  handy when on the farther reaches of the grounds at night. Bring whatever beverages you would like in addition to the filtered water, coffee, teas that we offer (refrigerator space will be available for you) and whatever special snacks you may desire.
Bring a yoga mat and whatever hoops/flow props you want to practice and play with! 


What type of clothing is best?

If you're familiar with the Pacific NW you probably know what to expect- if not, realize that while we can have hot days in the summer, it's more typical to have warm-mild day temperatures and cool nights with potentially misty cool mornings- so layers are the best option; and of course bring whatever you're happy hooping in.  We will be outside a lot- so be prepared for different temps and changing conditions.



I'm new to hooping and a little uncomfortable hooping in front of others... should I sign up anyway?


This event is for all skill levels- and our teachers are prepared to make the lessons suitable for wherever you are in your practice. Beyond that, it's going to be a small group and we will all be here to learn.  Our goal is to foster a supportive environment where a beginner can feel comfortable learning and realize that others, if not currently beginners themselves, have certainly been there. 

Basically we always strive to have both instructors and hoopers with positive and supportive attitudes.



~Other questions, concerns? Please drop us a note, we're happy to help~

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